10. What can I do after I have met the School’s English requirement?

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     - If you have taken the ITP-TOEFL test, collect your test score 10 days after the web announcement of the result date. ELCS will automatically copy your test score and submit it to Khun Aphorn, Khun Mayula, or Khun Duangnate on your behalf. For those who have met all the School’s requirements, you MUST also report to Khun Aphorn, Khun Mayula, or Khun Duangnate to process your graduation by yourself as ELCS will not do it for you.

     - If you have taken any other type of test, you must make 2 copies of your test result and bring them together with the original test copy to ELCS first. Please sign your name to certify the 2 copies as well as writing your student I.D., field of study, and class.
                  For example:   สำเนาถูกต้อง
                             นางสาวเปรมกมล หลวงสนาม
                                  รหัส 48440621 EB 7
       ELCS will later forward the 2 copies to Khun Aphorn, Khun Mayula, or Khun Duangnate. The original copy can be obtained from ELCS ONLY.