
Recommend any good resources for leverage English potential (ie. Books, Websites, Electronic devices)

Direct to TOEFL iBT Student Book

Direct To TOEFL iBT.jpg

Direct to TOEFL iBT Student Book in cludes the following:

IELTS Testbuilder 2


     The IELTS Testbuilder 2 is more than a book of Practice Tests. It is designed not only to enable students to practise doing tests of exactly the kind they will encounter in the exam itself, but also to provide them with valuable further practice, guidance and explanation. This will enable them to prepare thoroughly  for the exam and increase their ability to perform well. IELTS Testbuilder 2 has been developed for all students preparing for the academic component of the IELTS examination.

IELTS Testbuilder 1


     The IELTS Testbuilder is more than a book of Practice Tests. It is designed not only to enable you to practise doing tests of exactly the kind you will encounter in the exam ifself, but also to provide you with valuable further practice, guidance and explanation. This will enalbe you to prepare thoroughly for the exam and increase your ability to perform well in it. The IELTS Testbuilder has been developed for students who are aiming to achieve a minimum of Grade 6 in the academic component of the IELTS exam.

Building Skills for the New TOEIC Test


     There are many ways to use this book, depending on how much time you have and your level of English proficiency. Here are two methods you might try.

Method A

  • Study the skills sections carefully. Learn to focus on each part.
  • Take a practice test.
  • Note those parts where you made the most errors.
  • Review those parts in the book.
  • Take another practice test.

Method B

Preparation Course for the TOEFL (iBT) Test


     The book contains a variety of materials that together provide a comprehensive TOEFL preparation course:

Introductory Course for the TOEFL (iBT) Test


     Longman Introductory Course for the TOEFL Test: iBT, 2E is intended for intermediate-level students. The text starts below the level of the TOEFL test and continues up to the level of the easier tasks on the TOEFL iBT. It presents and practices those language skills that appear regularly on the TOEFL iBT and that are appropriate to this level.

The Key To Excellent English


Techniques for English Reading Skill and Comprehension Development for Thai Students


     This book will help students who found the problems about English reading. It will help students to solve those problems and improve reading skill.

Available at SIT library.

Call number: LB1050 ส164 2551 ฉ.2
Book id: 0005670
ISBN:  9789744662811
Barcode id: 10000004709

Systematic Reading 1


     This book is written to encourage students to be familiar with various techniques for effective reading. It is divided into three main parts: word skills, sentence reading, and paragraph reading, respectively. Also included are other necessary reading techniques such as looking for references, inferences and implications, understanding figurative language and differentiating between facts and opinions.

Available at SIT Library

ExxonMobil and your future career: Getting to know a big corporate


Available at SIT Library
Material id: ECDT00046
Barcode id: 20200000052-53

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