English Improvement Course for SIT B.Sc. students

- To improve your English
- To be aware of the university’s policy on English improvement
- To learn about the TOEIC / TOEFL-ITP
- To improve test taking skills
Study date: 16-26 July, 2018 (study every Mon. – Fri.)
Time: 11.00-13.00 hrs.
Venue: CB2305
Language: English
ONLY 20 students
How to apply:
1. Apply in person and pay deposit money (300 Baht) at ELCS office.
2. Forward your student id, name and attached bank slip for deposit money (300 Baht) to elcs@sit.kmutt.ac.th
ELCS bank’s account details:
Bank: Bank of Ayudha, Pracha-u-thit Road Branch
Account: Saving Account
Account name: English Language Coordinating Section (ศูนย์ประสานงานภาษาอังกฤษ)
Account no.: 330-1-23091-1
*In case of money transfer via ATM, the account name will be shown as “Patcharaporn Lavangnananda”