English Score Submitting Policy

If you have already had the valid English score record of either of TOEFL (iBT) 61, IELTS 5, TOEIC 600, CU-TEP 60, OR TETET 4, please submit it to ELCS. Make sure you follow the steps below:
1. Make two photocopies of your score record and hand them to ELCS together with the original copy.
2. Write you name (in Thai), student id, program and class on those photocopies.
Example: นายบรรณสิทธิ์ สุขวารี
รหัสนักศึกษา 55440517
BIS รุ่น 20
3. Collect your original copy back from ELCS one week after your submission by showing your student card or id card. In case of collecting your friend's score record, please show the photocopy of owner's id card. The owner should state his/her permission on that photocopy.
Remark: It should be noted that these scores are valid for two consecutive years from the date of issue.