Practice makes Perfect!

Much to do about ITP-TOEFL

VDO file recoding the interviewing two M.Sc. graduates on how to survive ITP-TOEFL Test.
Five copies of CDs are available at SIT Library
Material id: ECDT00066-70


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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary offers detailed treatment of today's language. Based on the evidence from the Bank of English corpus, which now contains over 524 million words, the fifth edition contains the most important new words and meanings which have come into the language over the past two years, as well as thousands of new, updated examples, taken directly from the corpus.
Available at bookstore.

Collins Complete Writing Guide


Whether you want to write a novel, draft a report for the school board, create a compelling CV, write a letter of protest to the council, or choose an emoticon to sign off your e-mail, this book is for you. This new edition of the the essential single-volume guide for all who aspire to improve their writing skills is the perfect desk companion for anyone requiring a friendly guide to modern communication.
Available at SIT Library

A Grammar Book for You and I (Oops, Me)

A Grammar Book.jpg

In America today college professors cringe at the lack of writing skills displayed by their students, business leaders bemoan poor communicative skills among their employees, and people themselves recognize that they (and their children) have a problem and want to do something about it.

Essential Words for the TOEFL

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This valuable handbook features vocabulary and definitions of more than 450 words, two 30-question practice tests with answer keys, and a pronunciation guide. The practice test closely follow the actual TOEFL format. Added features include vocabulary-building strategies and advice on how to learn new English words with help from a dictionary and thesaurus.
Available at SIT Library

Cross-Culture ฝรั่งไม่เข้าใจ คนไทยไม่เก็ท


Nowadays, in order to live, work, and cooperate with farangs, speaking English well is often not enough, because if you can speak English, but still think, feel, and act like a Thai, you could experience some difficulties. Chris believes that knowing the English language only isn’t enough nowadays because in order to cooperate and maximize your potential in the international world, not only do you have to speak good English, but also you have to think, feel, and act like a farang as well.

"รู้ทันสันดาน Tense"


This book offers readers the knowledge about "Tense" in English grammar with friendly details and easily understand 

Available at SIT Library

Call number: PE1301 ม14 2551
Book id: 000512
Author:  มณเฑียร ภาตะนันท์
ISBN:  9789741071715
Barcode id: 10000004882