Cheating/Unacceptable Behavior

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To All ITP-test takers
Please read the following rules and comply;

Cheating/Unacceptable Behavior

The test supervisor may cancel the scores of anyone who;

  • Takes a test book or answer sheet from the testing room. Test materials are the property of the Institutional Testing Program office.
  • Attempts to take the test for someone else. 
  • Gives or receives assistance during the test. 
  • Fails to follow instructions given by the test supervisor.
  • Reads or works on one section of the test during the time allowed for another, or continues to work after time is called.
  • Makes any marks or underlines words in the test book or makes notes in the test book or on the answer sheet. 
  • Takes dictionaries, other books, notes, or recording or photographic devices, including mobile phones into the testing room.
  • Creates a disturbance or behaves inappropriately. 
  • Copies test questions or answers. 
  • Cheats in any other way.
  • Cheats in any other way e.g. Able to mark the answers even before your hear the questions from the tape/the speakers in Section 1: Listening Comprehension. 


          The ITP TOEFL office will adhere to any instructions from the test supervisor regarding unacceptable behavior displayed by examinees.

Taken from ITP Examinee Handbook p.6

* If you take the ITP-test and have not received the handbook, please ask. *